Commelina diffusa B URM,

Nota de alcance

Se encuentra distribuida en los Estados Unidos, Bolivia y Venezuela, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina, Antillas, Trópico y Subtrópico del Viejo Mundo. (GRANT ET AL, 2003), y el bosque húmedo, muy húmedo, pluvial y nuboso, pastizales húmedos, bordes de bosques y campos cultivados, 0-1500(-2000+) m. En Panamá, se reporta en las provincias de Bocas Del Toro, Coclé, Darién y el área del Canal (CORREA, et al, 2004).

Usos etnomédicos y modo de empleo:
En Ecuador, se usa la infusión de las flores por vía oral para los dolores de cabeza y por vía externa como un emoliente (RUSSO E., 1992). El extracto acuoso caliente de las hojas secas se usa por vía oral en Guatemala como febrífugo y para infecciones urinarias, enfermedades reales; por vía externa para curar úlceras, heridas, contusiones (CÁCERES, et al, 1987). En la India, la raíz de Commelina difusa se utiliza como un anti-veneno (SELVANAYAHGAM, et al, 1994).

Nota de alcance (en)

In almost all tropical and subtropical regions.

SCHNEE (1960) found the plant mainly at hot
places in Venezuela. STEYERMARK & HUBER 1978
mention that the plant prefers humid sites and areas
disturbed by man and that it grows in the deciduous
and transitional forests. In the region of the
Avila, the species occurs at a height between 900
and 1100 m above sea level.

Medical use
Name of the drug: Commelina nudiflora L. FLOS, plantae, folia. In popular medicine, the leaves, the flowers, the rhizome and the entire plants are used.

Leaves. The leaves in an infusion soothe colic. Leaves are also used as a cataplasm on fractured or dislocated bones.

Flowers. The flowers in an infusion are emollient and help as a pectoral.Rhizome. The rhizome in decoction is effective against diarrhoea and haemoptysis, and cures burns.

Floral bracts. The floral bracts always hold water in their axils and thus offer a very favourable environment for symbionts and epiphytes. The water stored in the axils of the bracts is used in popular medicine as a eyewash ('colirio').

Entire plant. The entire plant in decoction is applied to soothe headache. A decoction of the entire plant is also applied to cure gonorrhoea and diseases of the kidney and it is taken as a refreshing drink. It is furthermore used for retention of the urine and to cure urinary tract infections. The juice of the plant is dispensed for gastric ulcer and in the form of a cataplasm it acts as an antiseptic and vulnerary. It is likewise used to stop haemorrhage of wounds.

Method of use
Leaves in an infusion or as a cataplasm. Flowers in infusion. Entire plant as a decoction, as a cataplasm or sap.

Healing properties
Antialgid, antiseptic, emollient, vulnerary.

Chemical contents
The chemical contents have been little studied. There is slime in the raphide cells. The leaves contain a derivative of the glucoside delphinidine. Coumaric acid and acetic acid were also indentified.


Whole plant: Juice used in a decoction against warts; in an infusion against hair loss, fever and biliousness. Juice is drunk for high blood pressure. In NW Guyana, used to treat biliousness, loss of hair, kidney disease, and to cleanse womb and tubes.




Part used

whole plant

Medicinal uses

yellow fever,oedema,itchin


Nota bibliográfica (en)

1) South American medicinal plants : botany, remedial properties, and general use / I. Roth, H. Lindorf. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2002. -- p. 492.

2) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017.

3) Gupta, Mahabir P.; Santana, Ana Isabel; Espinosa, Alex/ Plantas medicinales de Panamá. sd: sd. - p. sd.

4) Abd El-Ghani1, Monier M./ Traditional medicinal plants of Nigeria: an overview: Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247. - p. 227.

Commelina diffusa B URM,

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  • Buscar Commelina diffusa B URM,  (Google scholar)
  • Buscar Commelina diffusa B URM,  (Google images)
  • Buscar Commelina diffusa B URM,  (Google books)